Think You’re Different? This Neurodivergent Test Might Surprise You!

Think You’re Different? This Neurodivergent Test Might Surprise You!

Neurodivergent Test Dallas Texas therapy counseling

Neurodivergence refers to the variety of ways in which people’s brains function differently from what is considered “typical.” This self-assessment neurodivergent test helps you reflect on your own experiences and behaviors that may align with neurodivergent traits, such as those associated with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other conditions. While this quiz is not a diagnostic tool, it can provide insight into whether some of your experiences might suggest a higher likelihood of being neurodivergent. Answer each question honestly, based on how you typically feel or behave, and use the results as a starting point for further exploration.

This 20-question neurodivergent test is designed to assess the likelihood of someone being neurodivergent. It’s important to note that this test is not diagnostic and should only be used as a tool for self-reflection.

Neurodivergent Self-Assessment Test

Instructions: Answer each question based on how you usually feel or behave. Use the following scale:

  • Never – 0
  • Rarely – 1
  • Sometimes – 2
  • Often – 3
  • Always – 4

  1. Social Interactions:
    • Do you find it challenging to understand social cues, such as body language or facial expressions? Alternatively, do you tend not to follow social rules or expectations?
  2. Routine & Change:
    • Do you feel uncomfortable when your daily routine is disrupted or when unexpected changes occur?
  3. Focus & Attention:
    • Do you have difficulty staying focused on tasks that do not interest you, even if they are important?
  4. Sensory Sensitivity:
    • Are you highly sensitive to certain sensory stimuli, such as loud noises, strong scents, bright lights, or specific textures(e.g. of food or clothing)?
  5. Communication:
    • Do you find it hard to start or maintain conversations with others?
  6. Repetitive Behaviors:
    • Do you often engage in repetitive behaviors or movements (e.g., rocking, hand-flapping, nail biting, leg shaking, tapping)?
  7. Special Interests:
    • Do you have intense interests or hobbies that you focus on for long periods, sometimes to the exclusion of other activities?
  8. Impulsivity:
    • Do you act impulsively without thinking about the consequences?
  9. Coordination:
    • Do you struggle with tasks requiring fine motor skills, like writing, tying shoelaces, or buttoning clothes?
  10. Reading & Writing:
    • Do you find it difficult to read or spell words correctly, even if you know them well?
  11. Social Fatigue:
    • Do you feel exhausted or overwhelmed after social interactions, even with people you know well?
  12. Memory & Organization:
    • Do you have trouble keeping track of time, remembering appointments, or staying organized?
  13. Sensory Avoidance:
    • Do you avoid certain activities, places, or things because they overwhelm you?
  14. Hyperfocus:
    • Do you find yourself becoming so deeply focused on something that you lose track of time or forget to eat?
  15. Anxiety in Social Situations:
    • Do you often feel anxious or uneasy in social situations, even if they seem routine to others?
  16. Tics or Involuntary Movements:
    • Do you experience involuntary movements or vocalizations, such as blinking, grunting, or repeating words or phrases?
  17. Mood Swings:
    • Do you experience mood swings, ranging from high energy to depression?
  18. Difficulty with Abstract Concepts:
    • Do you find it challenging to understand abstract concepts or figurative language (e.g., idioms, metaphors)?
  19. Routine Behaviors:
    • Do you find comfort in repetitive routines or plans, and do you become stressed if they are interrupted?
  20. Sensory Seeking:
    • Do you seek out strong sensory experiences, like loud music, fast rides, or spicy foods, more than others do?

Scoring The Neurodivergent Test:

Add up the sum of all of your responses and refer to the scoring guide below.

  • 0-20: Low likelihood of neurodivergence.
  • 21-40: Moderate likelihood; some traits may align with neurodivergence.
  • 41-60: High likelihood; many traits suggest neurodivergent patterns.
  • 61-80: Very high likelihood; traits strongly align with neurodivergence.


If your score suggests a likelihood of neurodivergence, consider a professional evaluation by a psychologist to explore these traits further. Furthermore, if you need help managing any of the above symptoms, our experienced counselors offer neurodiversity-affirming therapy. We offer a free, 20-minute consultation and would love to meet with you to discuss how we can help. Click on the link below to schedule your free consultation today!

If you think you may be a neurodivergent woman, Click Here.

If you would like to learn more about the types of Neurodivergent Therapies we offer, Click Here.

Finally, If you would like to schedule an initial appointment with one of our therapists, please Click Here.