For the Parent and Child

For the parent

If you grew up in an unstable household

It is likely that it has affected the way you parent and your reactions to your child’s behaviors. It’s far from easy to parent your child differently than you were parented. In my many years of working with children and their families, I have seen that the most impact comes from supporting and coaching the parent. Oftentimes, parent coaching and or family therapy provides beneficial changes to the family dynamics that cause the child’s behaviors to drastically improve. We offer both of those options to parents looking to improve their child’s behaviors and emotion regulation skills.

A Message From The Owner

“As a mother to two spirited and sensitive children

I have deep compassion for parents and their children who struggle with emotional or behavior challenges. With over 15 years experience and in depth training in children’s mental health, you and your child will get some of the best care available at our practice. We are passionate about providing the best treatment to help your child and support you, the caregiver.”


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